Pour prévenir les traumatismes et les pathologies liés au travail, que ce soit au siège ou sur les chantiers, SOGELEC s'engage à améliorer continuellement les conditions de travail de son personnel.
Who we are
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Who we are
Our activities
SOGELEC stands out as a major player specialized in electrical installation in the construction sector, with a notable presence in Tunisia and the Maghreb region since its foundation in 1972. Our field of activity is the implementation of electrical installations for all types of construction sites.
- High Voltage
- Low Voltage
- Communication networks
- Electronic security
- Fire safety
- Photovoltaic installations
En tenant compte de leurs besoins et attentes, SOGELEC vise à offrir en permanence des produits et services conformes à leurs exigences, tout en considérant le contexte de l'entreprise.
En incluant la gestion rigoureuse des déchets et la préservation des énergies, SOGELEC œuvre à prévenir la pollution et à contribuer à la préservation de l'environnement.
En recherchant en permanence la conformité aux exigences légales et autres, SOGELEC assure le respect de toutes les réglementations applicables.
s’appuyant sur la performance de l’ensemble de nos processus. Notre engagement est de fournir les ressources et les moyenstechniques nécessaires,d’adopter une approche par les risques, de développer les compétences de nos travailleurs et d’améliorer les outils de communication pour atteindre un système de management QSE efficace. La Direction Générale compte sur l’adhésion, le dynamisme et la motivation de chacun et de tous pour y réussir et ainsi garantir notre pérennité et
notre compétitivité.
En recherchant en permanence la conformité aux exigences légales et autres, SOGELEC assure le respect de toutes les réglementations applicables.
Our commitments
To contribute to its performance and sustainability, SOGELEC is committed to implementing all necessary means and resources on the following main axes:
Customer and stakeholder satisfaction
By taking their needs and expectations into account, SOGELEC aims to constantly offer products and services that meet their requirements, while considering the company's context.
Amélioration des conditions de travail
To prevent work-related injuries and pathologies, whether at head office or on construction sites, SOGELEC is committed to continuously improving the working conditions of its personnel.
Environmental protection
Including rigorous waste management and energy conservation, SOGELEC works to prevent pollution and contribute to environmental preservation.
Compliance with legal requirements
By constantly striving for compliance with legal and other requirements, SOGELEC ensures compliance with all applicable regulations.
Eliminating hazards and reducing risks
In particular, by prioritizing measures to prevent electrical risks and falls from height, SOGELEC strives to guarantee the safety of its employees.
Promoting employee consultation and participation
By actively involving all workers and their representatives, SOGELEC fosters an inclusive and participatory work environment.
Business continuity and company sustainability
In a dynamic context, SOGELEC is committed to maintaining the efficiency of its organization and fostering continuous improvement to ensure its sustainability.
Our vision
SOGELEC aims to consolidate its position as a REFERENCE company, with a culture of excellence, applying the rules of good governance and being among the best Electrical Installation companies in Tunisia and the Maghreb. Offering the best service to our customers is the best guarantee of our continued leadership in the Electrical Installation sector. SOGELEC wishes to distinguish itself by its professionalism, its integrity, its governance and its commitment to a responsible economy by putting Energy Savings and Energy Performance at the very heart of SOGELEC's strategy in its QSE approach.
Our Mission
SOGELEC has been specializing in Electrical Installation for over 50 years. SOGELEC has developed a field experience that can provide adequate solutions to customer needs. SOGELEC is a well-established company in the field of Electrical Installation, and is approved by the official authorities. OUR HUMAN CAPITAL MAKES OUR STRENGTH: SOGELEC's staff is qualified and trained in the latest developments, enabling us to offer Electrical Installations that comply with the latest International Standards in this field. SOGELEC is committed to respecting ethical principles in the performance of its activities.
- +216 71 831 482
- +216 71 834 319
- sogelec@planet.tn
- 17 Rue Ech-Chen 1002 Tunis
Horaires de travail
- Du lundi au vendredi :
- Double séance :
- Matin : 08:00-12:30
- Aprés midi : 13:30-17:30
- Séance unique : 08:00 - 15:00